There is a new “Vietnam War” underway. The enemies of life, freedom and true liberation are attacking Catholic priests in Vietnam!

HANOI (Catholic Online) – The news out of Vietnam demonstrates a reality which few acknowledge these days when we mistakenly think we have become so “enlightened”, the existence of evil. It demands immediate global responsive action. There is a new “Vietnam War” underway. The enemies of life, freedom and true liberation are attacking Catholic priests in Vietnam!

The leftover remnant of the discredited and inhuman ideology of Maoism is now turning its ire against what has always been its greatest enemy, the only true humanism, the Christian faith. The fullness of that Christian faith, with the only systematic social development of the implications of that new and true humanism which can inform a new social movement, is the Catholic faith. That is why the denizens of death and the carriers of such a discredited ideology as Marxism have decided to strike against the Catholic Church by striking its shepherds and trying to scatter the sheep. (Zech 13:7)

Old Marxists never die, they just recreate themselves. Claiming, as their founders did, that the new man (or new woman) can somehow be created through a Statist manipulation of the political and economic order, they keep morphing into new expressions and pushing their old lies. In an age which has become what Pope Benedict rightly labeled a “dictatorship of relativism”, rejecting all truth claims, they are finding traction once again.

Yet, in Vietnam, they have not changed all that much in their message or their means. Marxism, and its evil clone, the anti-life, anti-freedom and anti-human ideology of the cultural revolution of the former tyrant, the Chairman Mao Zedong, continue to enforce their agenda through State sponsored violence. Their greatest enemy is still the only champion of true freedom, the Catholic Church and the message which she proclaims of true human liberation in Jesus Christ.

There is a new Vietnam War breaking out. However, the world is paying little or no attention. The storm troopers of the inhuman ideology of Maoism are killing Catholic priests. You see, any Church that proclaims that the only way to a new humanity is through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, the New Man, who in his Sacred humanity reveals the new humanity and through his atoning death made it possible for all men and women to receive and live it by overcoming the separation caused by sin, is the still the greatest threat to the lies of the counterfeit ideology of atheistic Marxism and, its evil clone, Maoism.

Just recently, it was announced by the tyrant regime ruling Vietnam that seven Catholics who were wrongfully arrested after the illegal police action against the Catholics of the Church at Tam Toa will be prosecuted in a kangaroo court proceeding. They are being held without bail in a flagrant violation of not only the Natural law but clear and unquestionable mandates found in the international law. Asia news reports below that one of the priests, who was violently attacked while helping the faithful to pray for those wrongfully arrested, has, thank God, survived the brutal attack.

Where is the outrage in the international community? Where is the outrage in the United States of America? We ask our readers throughout the world to turn the tide. Pray for our persecuted brethren in Vietnam. Then, following the clear teaching of our Church, stand in solidarity with them and demand that they be afforded the full human rights that must be theirs in accordance with the Natural Law and the dictates of international law.

Our priests are being attacked! Let’s be honest, it is becoming a frequent reality. Yes, in the words of the great early Church historian Tertullian, “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church!” However, we must do everything within our power to stop this evil attack against them, and against the truth which alone can liberate all men and women, the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Over the last few years we have witnessed the growing hostility toward Christians as it reaches a global danger zone. Catholic Online is deeply concerned over the growing intolerance directed toward faithful Christians and, in particular, Catholics who have not and will not compromise on the heart of the Christian faith and their defense of the dignity of every human person against every kind of attack be it Marxist or Maoist ideology or the secular humanism and culture of death found increasingly in the decline of the West.

“Christianophobia” is a word coined by the Holy See to explain this growing anti-Christian sentiment in our age. It is spreading in the European community, in America and throughout the entire world. It is now showing its violent propensities in Vietnam. As an international news source we report on its effects regularly.

It’s most obvious and dangerous manifestation is found in the direct pogrom against Catholic Christians and their priests in Vietnam. We must do everything we can to bring it to an end. We must stop the new War in Vietnam!

Over the last few years we have witnessed the evil inflicted against Christians in Iraq, the anti-Christian hostility spreading throughout the entire Middle East, the attacks against Christians in Asia and, in particular, the deadly violence in India. We have seen this evil “Christianophobia” spread into countless other places through the less blatant but still insidious anti-Christian ideology fueling so much of the anti-life, anti-family and anti- freedom ideologies of the declining West.

Sadly, we did not rise up the way we could or should when our brethren were attacked in Iraq. Nor did we act when they killed our brethren in India! We have done little to truly expose the dangers faced by Christians in the land where Jesus walked. In short, we Christians have failed in our watch.

We have another chance now. Ironically it comes in the Nation which so many of us, particularly Americans, still remember with regret, no matter which “side” of the failed Vietnam War we stood on, the Nation of Vietnam. That was then and this is now. There is a new Vietnam War being waged. They are attacking Catholic priests and seeking to silence the voice of authentic liberation, the Catholic Church. We must not fail this time.

Rise up and defend our brethren in Vietnam. Stop the New War in Vietnam!